Friday, November 30, 2018

summary 14

In the first 150 pages of The Hobbit by JRR tolkien shows us suspenseful action through
telling the story of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo wanted to be alone but he gets dragged
into a adventure he wants no part of. He has no choice so Bilbo,Gandalf, Thorin
Oakenshield,Fili,Kili,Balin,Dwalin,Oin,Gloin,Dori,Nori,Ori,Bifur,Bofur, and Bombur
all set out and get attacked by trolls and goblins. And then Bilbo gains a ring that
makes him invisible and ventures on. In the end of these pages Thorin's company
reaches Mirkwood where Gandalf departs and the dwarves and Bilbo are alone.

Image result for the hobbit book

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